More hires ahead at the March 14 iFair®
We’re still celebrating the many connections and hires made at the February 6-9 ISS-Schrole Advantage job fair in NYC. Congratulations to the successful NYC recruiters and candidates, and to those still looking, there are more hires ahead!
Join us for the iFair® on March 14 from 8AM – 11AM Eastern. This virtual job fair makes it easy for educators and international school recruiters to meet, chat, and schedule interviews for their perfect match. It’s a career-launching event with no travel required — save your place today!
Celebrating the NYC Job Fair
The job fair was exhilarating, exhausting, and completely well worth it! To meet that many qualified schools in one place was an amazing opportunity […] I would recommend this job fair to anyone excited to take this international journey!
-Tiffany Norman, ISS-Schrole Advantage candidate at the February NYC Job Fair