Foundation Management
ISS’s trained accounting professionals provide foundation management services to help you establish and steward your foundation.
Our Team Can Help Your School To:
- Complete strategic plans for establishing a 501(c)(3) organization
- Liaison with state & IRS for legal set-up
- Develop a mission statement
- Identify a board of directors
- Create by-laws
- Incorporate the foundation
- Board management services
- Facilitate all required foundation board actions to maintain tax exempt status
- Report to the board on the state of your foundation and its finances

ISS Foundation Management relieves your school and staff of virtually all administrative functions and responsibilities so you may focus on school and education matters. We report to you and the foundation board on the status of the foundation and its finances, programs, and activities; prepare and process all forms and paperwork, and manage the foundation and its programs on your behalf.

Benefits Of Establishing A Foundation:
- Attract, recruit, and retain talented education professionals
- Enroll teachers and administrators in U.S. Social Security and U.S. Medicare
- Provide before or after-tax payroll contributions to retirement plans
- Strengthen schools by building support and long-term commitment for your school
- Offer payroll deducation to health benefit plans with standard U.S. safeguards, such as COBRA and ERISA
- Establish a U.S. based corporate bank account for payment of U.S. dollar invoices
- Allows a school to receive support from major corporations, local business, individuals, grant-giving foundations, and agencies
- Establishes dollar-based money market accounts and other investment vehicles for cash reserves for your school
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