The Bay Academy
The school is an ISS-ULink school, an ISS joint venture in China. NCIC-Immersion provides a holistic education that balances social, emotional, academic and physical success through a challenging and progressive learner-centered program. We seek to nurture our learners to become skilled negotiators, collaborators, inquirers, and complex thinkers in a changing world. Located in Shenzhen, China, the NCIC-Immersion School is providing a Kindergarten to Grade 2 lower elementary program in its founding year. Additional grade levels will be added in subsequent years through Grade 8. Nanshan Chinese International College (NCIC)-Immersion will use a standard-based curriculum, adopting the Common Core States Standards for its framework. The school promotes a dual language immersion model based on current language research and is committed to action research as part of the ISS World Language Initiative for English as an Additional Language (EAL).